I have done this gratitude practice quarterly for awhile now and as I post each of these lists, they generate more traffic and interaction than the last. I have received many of your lists too. I love it!
Several authors that I follow will pause quarterly and build a 'What's Saving My Life Right Now' list. These lists allow for a simple acknowledgement of what brings joy, relief and fun in life for them in this season.
I picked up the practice and find it so helpful to purposely pause and identify these things for myself - a quick moment of gratitude.
There are not rules here, simply logging things that are helping me win my days and love life.
For the first quarter of 2024, here's what has been saving my life:
A staple lunch - I am the kind of person who can eat the exact same meal for an extended period of time. When it gets old, I move on to another. If this isn't something you can do, I'm so sorry. It's one less decision that I have to make daily, it's simple and I love it. Win win win! My staple lunch has been (from Costco) Amylu Sesame Ginger Chicken Crumbles in a lettuce wrap with a teaspoon of Bachan's Japanese Barbecue Sauce. I eat a 6 oz portion of chicken (hello to 30g of protein) inside of as many lettuce wraps as I want with a small bit of sauce and it's perfection.
My pet turtle - Sooooo, my kids had a pet turtle..... Do you have a story that starts out that way? The turtle arrived to us in the mail as a baby. He was so tiny. Henry fed him and cleaned his enclosure when told but started to lose interest. He lasted one whole year with Henry. Samuel had a short lived interest and it still lingers but wasn't ever fully committed. I moved the turtle into the full sized enclosure in my office space and he and I have become good officemates. I've learned a lot about taking care of a turtle and have really enjoyed having him around during my days. A turtle can be social. Did you know that? I certainly did not.
Strides in my grief and spiritual life - I have only begun writing about this stuff as it became clear to me that I needed to and that it's a life experience for every human. Look for me to write more as I feel led to share. I have spent time with several grief therapists over the years (which I highly recommend for anyone looking to learn to thrive and process grief at the same time) but recently have been without a therapist and experienced milestones in my grief. The breakthrough in my grief process has opened up opportunities to grow in my spiritual life as well. Realizing growth in both these areas feels really good.
Date days/nights - This quarter, I scheduled ahead date nights and babysitters to ensure we made time for them. Our boys received a few experience gifts for Christmas that fell during this time so we were gifted bonus date days as well. Day dates included just having time at home without children. Dates don't always have to include dinner reservations. It was the best.
Being inspired by my husband - He has an all in, aggressive approach on some goals right now and it is so cool to see him have some major wins. I mean, he's killing it and keeps me pushing forward on my goals as well. I hope to always be his biggest cheerleader. Now to figure out how we can celebrate 😉
New tennies - I don't care about fashion, like, at all. I find some things that work for me and buy them in multiples. In the last 4 months though, I have purchased 4 pairs of tennis shoes. I am in love with some of the styles out right now and I am enjoying having a few to choose from - who knew I could have more than a pair of running shoes and non-running shoes?? Being an adult is thrilling, isn't it?
Infrared sauna time - This one is a repeat from last quarter's list but for different reasons. Last time, I had just tried the infrared sauna and I found that it was something to add to my wellness toolkit. Now I am regularly going to two infrared sauna sessions with red light therapy a week. It helps me relax and my muscles rebound better. Earlier this week, I just sat there sweating profusely for the full session without headphones, in silence. It was delightful.
Embodying and embracing this season - I am in a focused time where I am trying new things to see how my body responds. I am pushing it harder than maybe ever. This week, I decided to skip my weekday rest day and went to the gym because at the end of these 12 weeks (my current season), I want to know that I did as much as I could during this time. It won't be forever but it will be me giving my absolute all for this time. I won't wonder 'what if'.... I can do it because I also embrace that this is just for a season.
Exploring music and life with my boys - There are so many cool things to experience with kids as they grow into little people with opinions, interests and personalities. I am acutely aware that my opportunity to be included in all the life experiences gets smaller each year. Doing life with my boys as they explore music and hear new things has been super fun. I genuinely love doing life with them.
Consider compiling your own 'what's saving my life right now' list just for yourself or share it with a friend for another way to connect.
Maybe what's saving your life right now might help someone else win their day as well!
Check out previous lists: